Who – What – Where and the big Why

At all times and ages, people have been searching and looking for wisdom, knowledge and help in there struggle with Three Big Questions, which define us:

  • Who are we?
  • Where do we come from?
  • Where do we go?

In the brilliant book #EatPrayLove by #ElizabethGilbert, the search for these three questions are thoroughly investigated. And at the end of the book, our lovely lady lives in Indonesia, and she tells us that everybody just keep her asking these three questions. It is like these three questions are needed to define her, to give her a background. To make sure to put her in the right position upfront them, so everybody can actually see who she is, there in the #focus of the moment.

And that is what our #groundingexercises are always about. To make sure you are just there, in this ongoing spot where future and past melt into the Big Now.

So what does this imply when you move?

If you change your physical position, in other words we say we re-locate or we move abroad, your #grounding changes with you. Your path differs from the one you went before, you walk other soil and you eat other food. You smell others herbs and spices and you are put in a totally different grid as where you came from.

When I moved to Brazil, I noticed what it means: a #Socialconstruction. It is a term I never understood at University. And day two in Brazil my emprugada, the lovely Rosy with her broad smile and warm heart, called me “Donna Grandaõ, uma Sereia”.

In one – ONE – yes just 1 –  Portuguese sentence, my yearlong status changed!

From being a small, chubby, roundbreasted, dark eyed woman to a Tall Lady, no more, even to a mermaid!

Needless to say that it changed something in me as well. And that it did something to my energy.

And now I moved some half year ago to Singapore, I felt a change in social construct again. I am a ‘Ang Mo – Expat Woman’ here – a ‘western woman’. And that made me feel very weary in the beginning. I didn’t feel anything, no male and female energy. No looks, no talks, no words or glimpses. It made me hollow and clueless about e and my boundaries. Like the sea shapes the shore, I needed my counter-energies and people on the street to help define me again. I was lost in orientation in my energy field. I didn’t feel male or female or me, since the grid I was walking in, was so different. 

So what was this biggest difference then?

It felt completely calm here on the streets. No stress. No need for eyes everywhere, on stroller, kids and purse in one time. No checking in on people if there might be a dangerous situation. No attention to check in on your belongings every second of the minute. No worries if your bag is open and not zipped up. No stressed feeling if you just stroll around and end up somewhere you didn’t expect to go.

The word everybody uses here is #safe. And yes, it is safe, no stress in or on the streets. It made me go deep to my roots. I had to learn a complete new way do define my new me – my new Who I am, Where I came from and where I am going.

And the grounding and focus exercises I did daily, helped me so much.

The made my Roots grow strong again. And as our dear Goethe already put it in earlier days: ‘Gebt den Kindern Wurzeln damit sie fliegen können.’ (Give the children roots, to make sure they can fly)

So, now I can fly and I can look from this nice helicopter view, for other lovely expat ladies who want to work on this field. The ‘Who you are, Where you Go, and Where you came from’ quest. Or in one word: the big Why?

I developed an expat program, called #RootzandWingz and I would love to tell you more about if, if you’re interested.

For now: all the best, Kind Hugs,

Carola x

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