5 Energy hacks in your pocket you weren’t aware of…
During the day you connect and disconnect with people all the time, yes thats energy too. And if you are working in the field of coaching, training, HR businesses…You probably have to deal al lot with all kinds of people and work with them. Ore make them work for you.
Sometimes it is hard to keep your energy levels up right and fresh. So I collected and organized 5 energy hacks for you. You carry them around in your pocket all day and I am pretty sure you weren’t aware of that. So here they come:
1) Your Phone >
Make sure you credit yourself with an app with short meditations to energize and refresh you any moment you are in need of it. I myself am very fond of meditationoasis.com. I like the way the meditations are organised and help met to find quickly what I am in need of. Since they are organised by topic and emotion, it is a very easy way to find the right meditation to use. Furthermore: there are meditations with and without music.
2) Your Fingertips >
You have 10 incredible little massaging machines with you. One of the favourite exercises I teach my clients is to caress very gently your hairline. Start up front in the middle of your forehead and strike very gentle towards the back of your head. Continue to do so around the line of your ears. You will feel that stress and full feelings in your head release. You can let relaxation in. Make sure you caress really soft. We are used to rub our eyes very hard when we’ve been in a meeting or session where a lot of work and efforts is being accomplished. Remember: energies work on a subtle level. Therefore: be gentle in your touch.
3) The cap of your lip-gloss / lipstick / pen etcetera.
You can use these caps to do some acupressure in your face – remove eventually glasses 😉 It feels wonderful. You tiptop softly over your eyebrows and under your eyes. Next you massage easy the point in between your eyes. After that follow the line of your bridge and nasal wings. Follow to your upper lip. Tip top also the point where your ears end, in the soft little place. Finish up by gently pressing the middle of your chin. Because the most of these points are related to reflexology – you will feel very refreshed.
4) Your pocketknife.
Really? You don’t have one? Get one! It makes that you can eat any fruit you encounter during the day – and that’s like eating a little energy bomb – right? Here you can see how to cut it: how to cut fruit Maybe it’s not possible to have the knife with you all day? How about a knife in your drawer then 😉
5) Your Wallet.
Every time you make a payment, you could say a little thank you. For the fact that you pay your bills, that you are part of the working industries. This thank you can remind you of being part of society. Of the fact that you matter. And that you are fulfilling your destiny. Weather it is flipping burgers or being an energetic coach as I am. And if you need to change your work for whatever reason, this thank you could be your reminder to reflect on the wish to take chances and to take your wish for change serious.
Did you find my 10 tips for keeping up good energy during the day already? HERE THEY ARE!