A very long time ago, 10 years or so, when I was a starter in the field of energy work and reiki, a beautiful opportunity came into my life, to create a workshop. The people who invited me were all very well-known and trained coaches and trainers. They’ve gained their trust in this big field of Human resources. And they were convinced, that I should offer my workshop to them. So, I did. It scared the hell out of me, but I did. I prepared, I prepared, even more, I asked for help, I studied and I just d i d it.
In that workshop, I talked about the angelic qualities some people have, carry with them, bring into life.
I think these qualities – being patient, giving love, taking care, soothe, comfort – we all have within. And sometimes there are periods, when life gets rough, that you are surrounded by these energies even more than in other moments.
I’ve been through very rocky periods, and in one of the most difficult situations, where I had to leave my so much-loved music school, I was stopped by an ‘Angel’ to trust myself more and better than I did until then. It was one of these amazing opportunities and chances I was offered before I made a life-changing choice.
Last year, a rocky period was in my life again. And it came at the core of bare necessities: losing a job. It was at that time; I was introduced once more to the Archangels and their powers. And in this wonderful event was the possibility created, to invite those angelic and wonderful etheric beings into your LIFE and HOUSE!
I felt so humble.
Why me?
Why would I be chosen to be visited?
Would I be good enough?
Is what I do enough?
Do I give enough?
All these doubts and thoughts went away the moment I started to prepare for the coming of these Angels. I built the little altar, found the right candles, flowers…
And the evening they arrived, I felt this incredible light and wonderful sensation. All my prayers and meditations in the coming 5 days were so much more profound and deep.
I was able to regain my trust in life, in finding a new job, in go on with my journey.
As ME, and in all those roles I play: Mum, Wife, Reiki Master, Energetic Therapist, Teacher…
I want you to offer the same possibility, to have similar experiences.
A timeframe of 5 days where you can reach out to the angelic. Where you will meet and learn about the Archangels. Where you can deepen your trust in life and in your unique journey. Where you will be offered to release. Release fear and emotional pain and reconnect with the angelic powers. Especially the ones within you.
Will you join me in this spiritual adventure?
Here you will find the community where it will take place!
Click here to enter: https://www.facebook.com/groups/199775338978595